Workbooks (Your ISEF Forms)

Quick how to guide to get you started on creating your paperwork.

The core of the ISEF App is its digital workbooks. Anyone can create a workbook, you are required to be signed into your free account. Students are allowed to have multiple workbooks. 

A workbook is where we will organize your paperwork and approvals to generate your ISEF forms. Workbooks can also be instructional. Each science project a student works on should have its own workbook. Workbooks will walk the user through every step of providing and inputting everything to fill out their ISEF forms. A student can download their forms to share with a fair or contest by pressing the download button inside of their workbook.

Students working as a team can share a workbook, so they don’t have to duplicate the paperwork. 

Here are the instructions to create your own science project workbook. 

  1. Go to your schools  ISEF App website or to
  2. Sign in to your free account
  3. Find the ISEF Forms workbook tile and press the Start Now button
  4. Name or Title your workbook; this can change so don’t worry too much. 
  5. Press Start a New workbook or Open Workbook button

You can also: 

  • Share your workbook with your fair or school here by pressing the Share button
  • If you are working as a team here you can invite your team mates, click the Add Workbook Owner button.

Once you have opened your workbook, you will be guided through the process and asked to provide information about  your research and project.